Today I found a very good function in reporting services to Converts the first letter of every word in string to uppercase.
Either Sql server or Reporting Services does not provide any straight forward way to implement the same, we need to write the any user defined function to make the proper case.
But using "strConv" function we can simply achive.
Here is the syntex:
=StrConv(Fields!Name.Value, vbProperCase)
Converts the first letter of every word in string to uppercase.
To ge more details, click on :
1 comment:
Thanks it worked for me.
Thanks for educating the community and appreciate your volunteer-ship.
Please move forward and write some more articles.
Do you have any idea for creating 3rd or 4th order Polynomial curve on a Column Chart in SSRS.
I saw this feature in Excel it is easy to do but is there a work around to do so.
Thanks anyways
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